Whose Workshop is it, anyway?

This summer I’ll be coordinating TestRetreat, a one-day retreat with a goal of launching major new initiatives for the software testing world.

That said, I’d like to tell you about one of them – creating a skill-inventory – a simple document that links testing ideas to references to go learn about them. One with ideas we respect, that we can stand behind.

A new tester can look at this document to begin self-education; a team can look at it to figure out their gaps and what to learn next. A senior tester might look too see if they have something to contribute back, or to realize if their own skills are highly specialized, to decide if specialization is, for them, a good thing or not.

And we’re going to need help.

Right now, we have a vague idea about a date and location, a host in Hyland Software, near Cleveland, and formal support from AST. To make this work, we’d need a facilitator, a facilitation model … and a whole lot of participants.

If you are interested in making WHOSE workshop your workshop, drop me an email at Matt@xndev.com.

More to come.


3 comments on “Whose Workshop is it, anyway?

  1. I already like the idea of the skill inventory. I could see enormous value to be had there. Some areas I could see would include, performance testing, API testing (SOAP or REST), general Web testing, http testing, database verification, vulnerability testing (security)…. Etc.

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